Monday, December 04, 2006

High waist? High Fashion.

Stop! Ok, a little bit lower. No, no, no... Stop!!!! Well, try just one inch lower. Great, perfect. Now the jeans you have on are just a mere millimeter short of exposing your genitals. Keeps us wondering, "Why leave it to the imagination when it is right there in front of you?"

What is wrong with people to where they think that fabric that couldn't keep a gnat warm would be best for women who want to appear sexy? So many times I see people wanting to look sexier with less clothes. When someone looks sexy, shouldn't it be about their clothing choices that help maximize their physical features without showing skin? Low waisted jeans served it's purpose. As a matter of fact, they are still sexy. But, they are also redundant. Oh, so redundant. Why not explore how jeans can be sexy without being so lowcut. Then maybe people of average build wouldn't be so worried about bending over and having their Cosabella thong squeezing out of their cheeks (ahem, butt cheeks, that is). This (perhaps) new idea shouldn't allow mothers to rip out their mom jeans to reveal a more sexy side of parenting. This doesn't even mean that we should find the ugliest alternative to try to appear 'different'.

This all came about two summers ago when I had the wonderful oportunity to meet Gwen Stefani (you know, because she simply ADORES Colorado and anticipates her visits here to see me... joking, of course). I met Gwen Stefani at a BMX Biker's Birthday Bash at the Key Club on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, California. I approached her right out back by the No Doubt trailer (she wasn't playing, her old band was). She donned a black-lace bra, a white tank, high waisted Levi's jeans (I believe the engineered denim line) and what I was sure to be Stuart Weitzman Snakeskin peeptoe heels. She looked great. Ok, I take that back, I was shocked. The high waist was so high waist, I couldn't believe my eyes. Yet, with all of my doubts piling up one right after another, I managed to clear all judgments out of my head for the rest of the evening to ponder her decision to wear them in public. Was she crazy? Or am I old-fashioned? I live in Boulder, CO, maybe this trend had mot marked its place east of LA. But she looks... well? Surprisingly? not bad!The single-most desireably fashion-conscious punk queen has not only pioneered many fashion trends, she also has the ability to turn preposterous into possible in less than 24 hours. That's me to your left with the L.A.M.B. (Stefani's brand of clothing) herself. I wish I was able to get a body shot to show you her amazing ensemble. Regardless, her high-waisted denim gaucho knee-length had me wondering who else would do this?

Well, congratulations, Gwen, your trend has caught on. They look amazing and do not scream 'mom' in the least. I find high-waisted pants, shorts, whatever, to be such a refreshing take on an already classic style choice. Not only do High waisted bottoms cover 'it' (whatever 'it' is) up, it trashes the ability for cropped shirts and jackets to look 'revealing', allows for more stylish clasps and buttons that serve function more than just fashion, and can substitute for a shockingly effective tummy-tuck-without-surgery method. Need I say more? Please remember to dress the part. The only thing worse than a risky wardrobe choice is wearing a risky wardrobe choice with a poorly thought-out outfit (The team of 'What not to Wear' will hunt you down and murder you).

I write this as such because I believe that when eyes are drawn to the waist, we are more inclined to focus on the natural curves of a woman. It might not be viewed quite as 36-24-36, however, we can enjoy the age-old beauty image of women: the slight hourglass. As I look back at the time I saw Gwen, I think quietly to myself, "why is she so daring and then successful in what she does?" The answer is simple. Women who play with new and fresh ideas create a legacy. Regardless of who you are and where you came from, if you have it in you to pursue something so different and so pleasing, you can create miracles within the world in which you live. So, become a pioneer! Stray from the mainstream, implement old ideas into fresh ones and delegate fashion trends to a state of popularity and relentless abundance!

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